Saturday, April 2, 2011

Three weeks with a broken computer...

I have found a solution to my computer woes! I spent two days in Rome with two girls, Simona and Maura (names changed to conceal identities), the daughters of close family friends of my host family in the South of Italy. Of course being in Milan, I thought, I’ll have as good of access as I’ll find in Italy to Mac stores or Mac repair. I did not have quite as much success as I had hoped, however, as import taxes, Italian keyboards, and absurd Mac Store repair prices made getting help unrealistic. After spending half of the day at their house Skyping my mother and ranting to the poor woman about how the world was out to get me, contemplating every way to save an extra $10, Simona finally said, “You know, my second laptop I never use.”

“Second laptop?”
“It’s a smaller one, like purse size…I actually don’t really know why I bought it.”

In the end, I’m borrowing Simona’s extra laptop for the next month and a half and returning it before I leave. I planned to give her 100 Euros for the month and a half I’m using it, but in the end she decided not to let me pay her! In retrospect, thank god: this computer’s keyboard is about 8 inches wide and it is slower than a snail…in some ways I am finding it as much of an impediment to completing work and communication than not having a computer at all.

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