Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Crashed laptop...Bah!!!

Baba's will does not want me to finish this semester of research!

Baba is God in the Brahma Kumaris spiritual path. I am WWOOFing on a meditation retreat at the moment, and I've been learning loads about Baba and meditating with his group of Central Italian followers every night. I guess Baba could sense my skepticism and ingenuity while everyone else was meditating and my mind kept wandering to the cows, the hunk who is also working here, and the next time I'll get dessert, so he smote my laptop to proove me a lesson. (...lesson probably not learned. Sorry, Baba.)

First my laptop crashed. Then I started using one of the computers here. The owner just left for London and took that computer (with the folder of my stuff) with him. The computer that is left has no microphone or Skpe; conveniently so, as today was the day I was going to attempt to contact an Apple repair expert and figure out what I can possibly do with my laptop. Sigh.

It was only three years old, too...curse you, planned obsolescence!!
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planned_obsolescence )

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