Friday, November 7, 2008

How the villagers of Galder spend their days

Here is a basic list of how I have seen my family members (and other villagers of Galder) spend their day.
-Making roti (bread): handmixing flour and water, making chipattis on the fire
-Making curries from their scant resources, such as cream and hot peppers
-sitting outside on hay while cows eat from pile
-milking cow
-cleaning cow and goat excrement from front yard
-taking cows (water buffalo; what’s the difference?) to pasture or to the stream
-fetching water from water hole
- walking to stream (10-15 min. walk) for bathing and laundry
No electricity makes the day end when the sun goes down. These appear to add up to the better part of the day! Living simply takes a lot of time.

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