Sunday, November 16, 2008

Email to mom

Here is latest description of what I am doing from email to mom:

I am fabulous. Still not [pooping] solid after sickness, but better than the girl from new brunswick who hasn't [pooped}] for 17 days. i am now volunteering here in a cafe (ROGPA Cafe; all money goes to ROGPA childrens center that watches tibetan children for free while their parents work) and i am working on a mural for their store front with a kid from Cambridge. I am meeting amazing people here; last night i had dinner with a man from spain, a guy from D.C, and another guy from frankfurt. Oh, and a kid from Nova Scotia, a girl from Israel, and two girls from my group. The man from spain bought a motorcycle in nepal and is now travelling throughout india. He is probably 40, but really really good looking. those spanish. There is another guy--closer to my age--from australia who i may have developed a love crush on. He's traveling the world right now and will be in NYC in march--woohoo! Then there is ludvig from sweden who made [amazing] swedish balls at the shop yesterday. I asked if he would come back to the states with me. but i only want him for his balls. In about 30 minutes we are meeting to go with our Tibetan families, with whom we will stay for about 8 days. Then I will be working on constructing a garden at a kindergarden, volunteering a few days at ROGPA in afternoons, doing yoga when I can, and going to Conversational English in the evenings. It is a place for tourists to come who speak English and converse with Tibetans. It is for them to get practical practice and application with English, forge a bond with them and the tourist community, and teach us about Tibetan culture. A pretty groovy concept, right?
The Dali Lama returned yesterday, so he is back in town. Maybe I'll run into him in line at a coffee shop. I will take picture of completed mural for all to see. Today I am getting lunch with group from last night and then going to Tibetan museum. I will probably return to work on mural and then go to conversational English.

[A note from "mom": words seen with these [ ] have been edited to suit the delicate sensibilities of the older generation of potential readers as well as those with a weak heart]

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