Wednesday, May 18, 2011

WWOOF Italy: Pearls of Wisdom from Giancarlo

24 April 2011

The three best ways to loose your money.

The fastest way is gambling.
The funnest way is partying: sex, women, drugs, alcohol.
The slowest but most secure way: agriculture. You'll never go wrong. You'll DEFINITELY loose all of your money for good.

On the Economy.

I hope that the economic crisis gets worse. I know that people have not changed or learned because they still say, 'I have no money'. No!! There is too much money; THAT is the problem. As long as people see not having enough money as their problem, things will never be solved.

"Il povero non รจ povero; e semplicemente diversamente rico."

The poor man is not poor; he is simply a different sort of rich."

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